Wondrous Weekend #1: The Rainbow Adventure Through the Field of Asphalt and Happiness

Hey guys!

We’ve found that weekends can either be a time to sit around and get nothing accomplished, or a great 48 hours to be stress free and make some awesome memories! We, personally, prefer the second option. However, sometimes coming up with an idea of something to do besides watch TV or go shopping can be a bit of a struggle. So to help you all out, we’ve decided to start the “Wondrous Weekend” series. This will be a series where we post every Friday a new idea or activity to spice up your life: everything from artistic journeys to zany extravaganzas will be included. 

So for this week, we’re gonna throw out one of our most favorite things to do: a photoshoot! Now, you don’t have to be any pro photographer to get some good and memorable pictures, its all about having fun. We’re not talking about just any plain old dress cute, take some smiling pictures in a field of flowers (though those are cute sometimes too). We’re talking about stepping out of the box a little and being creative and original.

We’ve done multiple shoots (including those smiling ones in a field of flowers), however our favorite of all time was when we threw paint all over ourselves, found a random tire, and let it flow from there. If you’re having a hard time picturing this, here are some photos to give you inspiration.



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